best cosmetic procedures

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The 5 Best Cosmetic Procedures According to a Dermatology PA

I am fortunate enough to work in a dermatology office that continuously purchases all of the latest and best cosmetic gadgets and gizmos. If there is a laser machine out there our office probably owns it or at the very least something similar. With all the new purchases I also have the opportunity to learn about each of the machines and see the before and after results on patients. I have made a list of my top five favorite cosmetic procedures, all of which I have personally had or have recommended for patients. 


Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that is injected into specific muscles on the face to weaken said muscles allowing for less facial movement. In doing so it can both treat and prevent wrinkles. Treating wrinkles is what Botox is most known for but did you know it has several other major benefits? For example, it can treat chronic migraines. As a daughter of someone who has suffered from chronic migraines, I know how well Botox can work. My mom had tried and failed so many migraine medications and has now found some relief with Botox. Another amazing benefit of Botox is improvement in mood. Botox has been studied as a possible treatment for depression. I can say firsthand that my mood always increases after I get my Botox every 12 weeks. That alone is worth it to me.

Learn more about why I love preventative Botox here.


If you want a more natural approach to cosmetics then microneedling is your friend. It resurfaces your skin and helps treat pigmentation and scarring. I have had microneedling with platelet-rich plasma aka a vampire facial and the results are amazing. My old acne scars from my teenage cystic acne (pre-accutane) are now a thing of the past. At my office, we use Morpheus which is radiofrequency microneedling. Besides improving scarring and pigmentation changes, It is also beneficial in tightening the skin and may make a few wrinkles disappear as well. The best part? It can be performed on all skin types and there is minimal downtime following the procedure. 

Are you interested in how a vampire facial can affect your skin? Read all about it here.

CO2 Laser

The CO2 laser is the gold standard for resurfacing of the skin. If you want the biggest bang for your buck then this procedure is it. There is a payoff for the drastic improvement and that is about 1-2 weeks of downtime. You can expect to look pretty rough following this procedure plus it can be slightly more uncomfortable compared to other cosmetic machines but my oh my is it worth it! When your skin goes to heal itself, it tightens everything and gives you a natural-appearing facelift. It can make age spots vanish and once healed up can seriously take 5-10 years off your appearance! It is also beneficial for scarring.

Here is a post about another type of laser that can treat excessive hair growth.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

PRP is becoming increasingly used in the medical field and not just for cosmetic purposes. Orthopedics will use it to inject into the patient’s joints! My favorite use of PRP is for hair loss. You have your blood drawn in a special tube and then it is spun in a centrifuge. This process separates platelet-rich plasma from platelet-poor plasma. You then get it injected back into your scalp. Platelet-rich plasma has growth factors in it to help promote new hair growth. This procedure is uncomfortable but worth it. Typically I recommend monthly injections for the first 3-4 months and then maintenance treatments every 3 or 6 months after that.

Do you think PRP is a magic form of hair loss treatment? Here are my thoughts on the matter.


First of all, what is Ultherapy? Ultherapy is the only non-invasive FDA-cleared procedure for tightening skin on the head and neck. It harnesses ultrasound technology and can be individualized for every single patient. Pretty cool, right? The medical provider administrating the treatment can see your skin’s structures on the Ultherapy machine. The medical provider can then tell exactly where to treat to promote collagen production which will eventually tighten the skin. The whole process can take a few hours depending on where you are treating. You will not notice results immediately, it can take up to 6 months! But during that period your skin will be tightening. The before and after photos are pretty incredible! 

Learn 4 reasons why you should try Ultherapy for skin tightening on the head and neck.

Bonus cosmetic procedures to read about

The 4 Steps to an Effective Chemical Peel

My Honest Review of Under-Eye Filler

The two cosmetic procedures I get regularly are Botox and microneedling. I try to keep to a routine of having it done every 12 weeks. I don’t see myself quitting that regimen any time soon. My goal is to have CO2 laser done next winter. That is the one procedure on the list I have not tried yet. Have you tested any of these cosmetic procedures before? If so what did you like or not like about it? Let me know in the comments below!

*Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. Information on this website is for education and entertainment purposes only. Content is my opinion. It is not substituted for your own doctor’s medical care or advice. One should not make any health or medical-related decisions based in whole or in part on any content on this site. Content is not intended to replace the services of a licensed, trained health professional. Content may not apply to you as an individual. Although I will update my website with current information, this website is not a definitive guide to dermatology.

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